Language Teacher’s Voice


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ISBN: 0333916506Izdavač: SKU: VBZ-11738 Kategorija: Oznaka:

Language Teacher’s Voice


Na zalihi

ISBN: 0333916506Izdavač: SKU: VBZ-11738 Kategorija: Oznaka:


For Alan Maley, working with teachers’ voices is ‘a natural extension’ of interest in ‘what makes learners and teachers tick’. He regards the human voice as the most subtle of all instruments and is amazed at ‘our failure’ to help teachers to develop and protect their most valuable asset.

This book is published in the Teacher Development Series, which includes Children Learning English and The ELT Manager’s Handbook. After work for the British Council on at least three continents and a distinguished period as Director-General of the Bell Educational Trust in Cambridge Alan Maley’s time is now divided between universities in Singapore and Bangkok. His experience of teacher training, language learning management and book authorship is second to none in fields relating to the acquisition of English as a foreign or second language (EFL/ESL).

Characteristically he has recognised the need for a book such as this, a gap in the market, if you will. The voice is an asset of even greater importance to the language teacher than to others in the profession. The Language Teacher’s Voice is intended for teachers of EFL and ESL, teachers of other foreign/second languages and teachers of first languages, in particular English in the UK. Significantly however, the author adds: “It will also be of interest to teachers of any subject …” The gap is seen to exist in areas other than those of language teaching.

Expressed aims are to raise awareness of the importance of the voice in professional and personal contexts; to impart practical skills; to provide self-help and class activities; to offer information on use of the voice ‘for sustaining physical, psychological and spiritual well-being’. The layout is excellent, so that individual readers can easily find what they may be looking for and the ingredients for class or group activities are clearly displayed. The bibliography is helpfully divided into sections, from books with a voice-training focus to those on therapeutic/spiritual dimensions and those related to ELT pronunciation teaching. A list of useful addresses is headed by those of the BVA and the Voice Care Network.

V.B.Z. online ne izvršava uslugu dostave već za nas uslugu pružaju vanjski suradnici. Usluge dostave ugovaraju se s prodajnim osobljem prilikom zaključivanja kupnje i vrijede u skladu s uvjetima prodaje u V.B.Z. d.o.o.


S namjerom potpune transparentnosti za krajnjeg kupca, omogućli smo prikaz troškova dostave na stranici artikla, na stranici košarice te stranici narudžbe. Taj je prikaz točan jedino ukoliko kupac unese točne i precizne tražene podatke. U suprotonome je moguće odstupanje troškova dostave koje će biti prikazano u ponudi i poslano kupcu.


Besplatne poštarine

Besplatne poštarine vrijede za kupovinu gdje iznos prelazi 250,00 kn.
Besplatne poštarine vrijede samo unutar granica Republike Hrvatske.

HR poštarine se obračunavaju po parametrima:

  • narudžba do 250,00 kn = 25,00 kn poštarine
  • narudžba od 251,00 kn + = 0,00 kn poštarine



Dužnost nam je obavijestiti Vas da će Vam Hrvatske pošte naplatiti iznos od 5 kn prilikom uručenja pošiljke na kućnu adresu kao trošak dostave iako je sama poštarina već plaćena od strane V.B.Z.-a i ne ulazi u trošak Vaše narudžbe.
Ukoliko knjigu/e podignete u pošti na osnovi Obavijesti o prispjeću pošiljke isti iznos nećete morati platiti.


Narudžbe šaljemo u sve zemlje svijeta.


Hrvatska:  3 - 5 radnih dana.
Europa:  7 - 10 radnih dana.
Sjeverna Amerika, Južna Amerika, Australija, Azija, Afrika:  15 - 20 radnih dana

No s obzirom da V.B.Z. online ne vrši uslugu dostave već istu za za nas pružaju vanjski suradnici, ne možemo utjecati na potencijalna kašnjenja u vremenu dostave. Ista se dešavaju vrlo rijetko te u posebnim prilikama (npr. Božić).

Dostava na otoke i u manja mjesta se odvija prema rasporedu dostavane službe (npr. 2 puta tjedno).


Još nema recenzija.

Budite prvi koji će recenzirati “Language Teacher’s Voice”

Ova web-stranica koristi Akismet za zaštitu protiv spama. Saznajte kako se obrađuju podaci komentara.


For Alan Maley, working with teachers’ voices is ‘a natural extension’ of interest in ‘what makes learners and teachers tick’. He regards the human voice as the most subtle of all instruments and is amazed at ‘our failure’ to help teachers to develop and protect their most valuable asset.

This book is published in the Teacher Development Series, which includes Children Learning English and The ELT Manager’s Handbook. After work for the British Council on at least three continents and a distinguished period as Director-General of the Bell Educational Trust in Cambridge Alan Maley’s time is now divided between universities in Singapore and Bangkok. His experience of teacher training, language learning management and book authorship is second to none in fields relating to the acquisition of English as a foreign or second language (EFL/ESL).

Characteristically he has recognised the need for a book such as this, a gap in the market, if you will. The voice is an asset of even greater importance to the language teacher than to others in the profession. The Language Teacher’s Voice is intended for teachers of EFL and ESL, teachers of other foreign/second languages and teachers of first languages, in particular English in the UK. Significantly however, the author adds: “It will also be of interest to teachers of any subject …” The gap is seen to exist in areas other than those of language teaching.

Expressed aims are to raise awareness of the importance of the voice in professional and personal contexts; to impart practical skills; to provide self-help and class activities; to offer information on use of the voice ‘for sustaining physical, psychological and spiritual well-being’. The layout is excellent, so that individual readers can easily find what they may be looking for and the ingredients for class or group activities are clearly displayed. The bibliography is helpfully divided into sections, from books with a voice-training focus to those on therapeutic/spiritual dimensions and those related to ELT pronunciation teaching. A list of useful addresses is headed by those of the BVA and the Voice Care Network.

V.B.Z. online ne izvršava uslugu dostave već za nas uslugu pružaju vanjski suradnici. Usluge dostave ugovaraju se s prodajnim osobljem prilikom zaključivanja kupnje i vrijede u skladu s uvjetima prodaje u V.B.Z. d.o.o.


S namjerom potpune transparentnosti za krajnjeg kupca, omogućli smo prikaz troškova dostave na stranici artikla, na stranici košarice te stranici narudžbe. Taj je prikaz točan jedino ukoliko kupac unese točne i precizne tražene podatke. U suprotonome je moguće odstupanje troškova dostave koje će biti prikazano u ponudi i poslano kupcu.


Besplatne poštarine

Besplatne poštarine vrijede za kupovinu gdje iznos prelazi 250,00 kn.
Besplatne poštarine vrijede samo unutar granica Republike Hrvatske.

HR poštarine se obračunavaju po parametrima:

  • narudžba do 250,00 kn = 25,00 kn poštarine
  • narudžba od 251,00 kn + = 0,00 kn poštarine



Dužnost nam je obavijestiti Vas da će Vam Hrvatske pošte naplatiti iznos od 5 kn prilikom uručenja pošiljke na kućnu adresu kao trošak dostave iako je sama poštarina već plaćena od strane V.B.Z.-a i ne ulazi u trošak Vaše narudžbe.
Ukoliko knjigu/e podignete u pošti na osnovi Obavijesti o prispjeću pošiljke isti iznos nećete morati platiti.


Narudžbe šaljemo u sve zemlje svijeta.


Hrvatska:  3 - 5 radnih dana.
Europa:  7 - 10 radnih dana.
Sjeverna Amerika, Južna Amerika, Australija, Azija, Afrika:  15 - 20 radnih dana

No s obzirom da V.B.Z. online ne vrši uslugu dostave već istu za za nas pružaju vanjski suradnici, ne možemo utjecati na potencijalna kašnjenja u vremenu dostave. Ista se dešavaju vrlo rijetko te u posebnim prilikama (npr. Božić).

Dostava na otoke i u manja mjesta se odvija prema rasporedu dostavane službe (npr. 2 puta tjedno).


Još nema recenzija.

Budite prvi koji će recenzirati “Language Teacher’s Voice”

Ova web-stranica koristi Akismet za zaštitu protiv spama. Saznajte kako se obrađuju podaci komentara.
