Giotto Basic AB



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ISBN: 3822851604Izdavač: Područje: Uvez: SKU: VBZ-167640 Kategorije: , Oznake: , Jezik: EngleskiBiblioteka: Basic Art SeriesGodina izdanja: 2006

Giotto Basic AB



Na zalihi

ISBN: 3822851604Izdavač: Područje: Uvez: SKU: VBZ-167640 Kategorije: , Oznake: , Jezik: EngleskiBiblioteka: Basic Art SeriesGodina izdanja: 2006

A central figure of the Early Renaissance

According to legend, he was discovered by Cimabue as a boy, sketching his father`s sheep. Giotto di Bodone (1266-1337) was the most famous and influential painter of his generation in Italy. As the pioneer of modern painting, his impact was so enormous that his artist colleagues in Florence, however capable, were left struggling to keep up. His services were engaged by numerous high officials and princes, including the Pope and his cardinals, King Robert of Anjou, and the Scaligeri and Visconti. All these works, including the large secular cycles, are lost. Amongst his surviving works, his masterpieces are undoubtedly his decoration, from 1303 to 1305, of the private chapel built by the financier Enrico Scrovegni for his family in a former Roman amphitheatre in Padua, the fresco cycle in the Upper Church of Assisi, and the frescos in side chapels of Santa Croce in Florence. The simplicity and strength of his forms, as well as the humanism he infused in his works, set him apart from his Byzantine contemporaries and at the forefront of Italian painting in the early years of the Renaissance.

About the Series:
Every book in TASCHEN’s Basic Art Series features:

  • a detailed chronological summary of the artist’s life and work, covering the cultural and historical importance of the artist
  • approximately 100 color illustrations with explanatory captions
  • a concise biography

About the author:
Norbert Wolf gratuated in art history, linguistics and medieval studies at the universities of Regensburg and Munich. He took his doctorate in art history in 1983. In 1992 he wrote his professorial thesis in Munich on carved 14th-century retables. Subsequently he held visiting professorships in Marburg, Frankfurt a.M., Leipzig, Düsseldorf, Nuremberg-Erlangen, and Innsbruck. He has written extensively on art history, including the many titles for TASCHEN, such as Diego Velázquez, Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Caspar David Friedrich, Expressionism, Romanesque, Landscape Painting.

V.B.Z. online ne izvršava uslugu dostave već za nas uslugu pružaju vanjski suradnici. Usluge dostave ugovaraju se s prodajnim osobljem prilikom zaključivanja kupnje i vrijede u skladu s uvjetima prodaje u V.B.Z. d.o.o.


S namjerom potpune transparentnosti za krajnjeg kupca, omogućli smo prikaz troškova dostave na stranici artikla, na stranici košarice te stranici narudžbe. Taj je prikaz točan jedino ukoliko kupac unese točne i precizne tražene podatke. U suprotonome je moguće odstupanje troškova dostave koje će biti prikazano u ponudi i poslano kupcu.


Besplatne poštarine

Besplatne poštarine vrijede za kupovinu gdje iznos prelazi 250,00 kn.
Besplatne poštarine vrijede samo unutar granica Republike Hrvatske.

HR poštarine se obračunavaju po parametrima:

  • narudžba do 250,00 kn = 25,00 kn poštarine
  • narudžba od 251,00 kn + = 0,00 kn poštarine



Dužnost nam je obavijestiti Vas da će Vam Hrvatske pošte naplatiti iznos od 5 kn prilikom uručenja pošiljke na kućnu adresu kao trošak dostave iako je sama poštarina već plaćena od strane V.B.Z.-a i ne ulazi u trošak Vaše narudžbe.
Ukoliko knjigu/e podignete u pošti na osnovi Obavijesti o prispjeću pošiljke isti iznos nećete morati platiti.


Narudžbe šaljemo u sve zemlje svijeta.


Hrvatska:  3 - 5 radnih dana.
Europa:  7 - 10 radnih dana.
Sjeverna Amerika, Južna Amerika, Australija, Azija, Afrika:  15 - 20 radnih dana

No s obzirom da V.B.Z. online ne vrši uslugu dostave već istu za za nas pružaju vanjski suradnici, ne možemo utjecati na potencijalna kašnjenja u vremenu dostave. Ista se dešavaju vrlo rijetko te u posebnim prilikama (npr. Božić).

Dostava na otoke i u manja mjesta se odvija prema rasporedu dostavane službe (npr. 2 puta tjedno).


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Budite prvi koji će recenzirati “Giotto Basic AB”

Ova web-stranica koristi Akismet za zaštitu protiv spama. Saznajte kako se obrađuju podaci komentara.

A central figure of the Early Renaissance

According to legend, he was discovered by Cimabue as a boy, sketching his father`s sheep. Giotto di Bodone (1266-1337) was the most famous and influential painter of his generation in Italy. As the pioneer of modern painting, his impact was so enormous that his artist colleagues in Florence, however capable, were left struggling to keep up. His services were engaged by numerous high officials and princes, including the Pope and his cardinals, King Robert of Anjou, and the Scaligeri and Visconti. All these works, including the large secular cycles, are lost. Amongst his surviving works, his masterpieces are undoubtedly his decoration, from 1303 to 1305, of the private chapel built by the financier Enrico Scrovegni for his family in a former Roman amphitheatre in Padua, the fresco cycle in the Upper Church of Assisi, and the frescos in side chapels of Santa Croce in Florence. The simplicity and strength of his forms, as well as the humanism he infused in his works, set him apart from his Byzantine contemporaries and at the forefront of Italian painting in the early years of the Renaissance.

About the Series:
Every book in TASCHEN’s Basic Art Series features:

  • a detailed chronological summary of the artist’s life and work, covering the cultural and historical importance of the artist
  • approximately 100 color illustrations with explanatory captions
  • a concise biography

About the author:
Norbert Wolf gratuated in art history, linguistics and medieval studies at the universities of Regensburg and Munich. He took his doctorate in art history in 1983. In 1992 he wrote his professorial thesis in Munich on carved 14th-century retables. Subsequently he held visiting professorships in Marburg, Frankfurt a.M., Leipzig, Düsseldorf, Nuremberg-Erlangen, and Innsbruck. He has written extensively on art history, including the many titles for TASCHEN, such as Diego Velázquez, Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Caspar David Friedrich, Expressionism, Romanesque, Landscape Painting.

V.B.Z. online ne izvršava uslugu dostave već za nas uslugu pružaju vanjski suradnici. Usluge dostave ugovaraju se s prodajnim osobljem prilikom zaključivanja kupnje i vrijede u skladu s uvjetima prodaje u V.B.Z. d.o.o.


S namjerom potpune transparentnosti za krajnjeg kupca, omogućli smo prikaz troškova dostave na stranici artikla, na stranici košarice te stranici narudžbe. Taj je prikaz točan jedino ukoliko kupac unese točne i precizne tražene podatke. U suprotonome je moguće odstupanje troškova dostave koje će biti prikazano u ponudi i poslano kupcu.


Besplatne poštarine

Besplatne poštarine vrijede za kupovinu gdje iznos prelazi 250,00 kn.
Besplatne poštarine vrijede samo unutar granica Republike Hrvatske.

HR poštarine se obračunavaju po parametrima:

  • narudžba do 250,00 kn = 25,00 kn poštarine
  • narudžba od 251,00 kn + = 0,00 kn poštarine



Dužnost nam je obavijestiti Vas da će Vam Hrvatske pošte naplatiti iznos od 5 kn prilikom uručenja pošiljke na kućnu adresu kao trošak dostave iako je sama poštarina već plaćena od strane V.B.Z.-a i ne ulazi u trošak Vaše narudžbe.
Ukoliko knjigu/e podignete u pošti na osnovi Obavijesti o prispjeću pošiljke isti iznos nećete morati platiti.


Narudžbe šaljemo u sve zemlje svijeta.


Hrvatska:  3 - 5 radnih dana.
Europa:  7 - 10 radnih dana.
Sjeverna Amerika, Južna Amerika, Australija, Azija, Afrika:  15 - 20 radnih dana

No s obzirom da V.B.Z. online ne vrši uslugu dostave već istu za za nas pružaju vanjski suradnici, ne možemo utjecati na potencijalna kašnjenja u vremenu dostave. Ista se dešavaju vrlo rijetko te u posebnim prilikama (npr. Božić).

Dostava na otoke i u manja mjesta se odvija prema rasporedu dostavane službe (npr. 2 puta tjedno).


Još nema recenzija.

Budite prvi koji će recenzirati “Giotto Basic AB”

Ova web-stranica koristi Akismet za zaštitu protiv spama. Saznajte kako se obrađuju podaci komentara.