Eye to Eye 25 Anv



Na zalihi

ISBN: 9783836508940Izdavač: Područje: Uvez: SKU: VBZ-1012232 Kategorije: , , , Oznake: , , Jezik: EngleskiBiblioteka: foGodina izdanja: 2009Format: 24.7*31Broj stranica: 256

Eye to Eye 25 Anv



Na zalihi

ISBN: 9783836508940Izdavač: Područje: Uvez: SKU: VBZ-1012232 Kategorije: , , , Oznake: , , Jezik: EngleskiBiblioteka: foGodina izdanja: 2009Format: 24.7*31Broj stranica: 256

TASCHEN 25 – Special edition!

A fantastic account of the thrilling wildness

Eye to Eye, the first personal portfolio by master photographer Frans Lanting, presents an extraordinary collection of animal images by an award-winning photographer and naturalist who “has set the standards for a whole generation of wildlife photographers,” according to the BBC.

More than 140 photographs, made over a period of twenty years, reveal the unique personal aesthetic Frans Lanting brings to wildlife photography, as well as the startling new perspective on animals his images provoke. In a review of his work The New York Times states, “Mr. Lanting’s photographs take creatures that have become ordinary and familiar and transform them into haunting new visions.”

This book’s exquisite images are accompanied by personal stories and observations from a lifetime of working with wild animals around the world, ranging from orangutans in the rain forests of Borneo to emperor penguins in Antarctica. More than 70 species are represented in this astonishing portrait gallery celebrating the diversity of life on earth.

Frans Lanting does not seek in these encounters the beauty traditionally revered by wildlife photographers: “The perfection I seek in my photographic compositions is a means to show the strength and dignity of animals in nature.” Frans Lanting’s work has been lauded by designers as art, by biologists as science, and by others as a new vision of the relationship between animals and people – one that challenges us to look animals in the eye and see ourselves.

About the editor:
Christine Eckstrom is a former National Geographics writer and editor specializing in natural history. She collaborates with Frans Lanting on fieldwork, book, and other publishing projects from their home base in California.

About the photographer:
Dutch-born Frans Lanting has been hailed as one of the great nature photographers of our time. For the past two decades he has documented wildlife and our relationship with nature in environments from the Amazon to Antarctica. Exhibits of his photographs have been shown at major museums in Paris, Milan, Tokyo, New York, Madrid, and Amsterdam.

V.B.Z. online ne izvršava uslugu dostave već za nas uslugu pružaju vanjski suradnici. Usluge dostave ugovaraju se s prodajnim osobljem prilikom zaključivanja kupnje i vrijede u skladu s uvjetima prodaje u V.B.Z. d.o.o.


S namjerom potpune transparentnosti za krajnjeg kupca, omogućli smo prikaz troškova dostave na stranici artikla, na stranici košarice te stranici narudžbe. Taj je prikaz točan jedino ukoliko kupac unese točne i precizne tražene podatke. U suprotonome je moguće odstupanje troškova dostave koje će biti prikazano u ponudi i poslano kupcu.


Besplatne poštarine

Besplatne poštarine vrijede za kupovinu gdje iznos prelazi 250,00 kn.
Besplatne poštarine vrijede samo unutar granica Republike Hrvatske.

HR poštarine se obračunavaju po parametrima:

  • narudžba do 250,00 kn = 25,00 kn poštarine
  • narudžba od 251,00 kn + = 0,00 kn poštarine



Dužnost nam je obavijestiti Vas da će Vam Hrvatske pošte naplatiti iznos od 5 kn prilikom uručenja pošiljke na kućnu adresu kao trošak dostave iako je sama poštarina već plaćena od strane V.B.Z.-a i ne ulazi u trošak Vaše narudžbe.
Ukoliko knjigu/e podignete u pošti na osnovi Obavijesti o prispjeću pošiljke isti iznos nećete morati platiti.


Narudžbe šaljemo u sve zemlje svijeta.


Hrvatska:  3 - 5 radnih dana.
Europa:  7 - 10 radnih dana.
Sjeverna Amerika, Južna Amerika, Australija, Azija, Afrika:  15 - 20 radnih dana

No s obzirom da V.B.Z. online ne vrši uslugu dostave već istu za za nas pružaju vanjski suradnici, ne možemo utjecati na potencijalna kašnjenja u vremenu dostave. Ista se dešavaju vrlo rijetko te u posebnim prilikama (npr. Božić).

Dostava na otoke i u manja mjesta se odvija prema rasporedu dostavane službe (npr. 2 puta tjedno).


Još nema recenzija.

Budite prvi koji će recenzirati “Eye to Eye 25 Anv”

Ova web-stranica koristi Akismet za zaštitu protiv spama. Saznajte kako se obrađuju podaci komentara.

TASCHEN 25 – Special edition!

A fantastic account of the thrilling wildness

Eye to Eye, the first personal portfolio by master photographer Frans Lanting, presents an extraordinary collection of animal images by an award-winning photographer and naturalist who “has set the standards for a whole generation of wildlife photographers,” according to the BBC.

More than 140 photographs, made over a period of twenty years, reveal the unique personal aesthetic Frans Lanting brings to wildlife photography, as well as the startling new perspective on animals his images provoke. In a review of his work The New York Times states, “Mr. Lanting’s photographs take creatures that have become ordinary and familiar and transform them into haunting new visions.”

This book’s exquisite images are accompanied by personal stories and observations from a lifetime of working with wild animals around the world, ranging from orangutans in the rain forests of Borneo to emperor penguins in Antarctica. More than 70 species are represented in this astonishing portrait gallery celebrating the diversity of life on earth.

Frans Lanting does not seek in these encounters the beauty traditionally revered by wildlife photographers: “The perfection I seek in my photographic compositions is a means to show the strength and dignity of animals in nature.” Frans Lanting’s work has been lauded by designers as art, by biologists as science, and by others as a new vision of the relationship between animals and people – one that challenges us to look animals in the eye and see ourselves.

About the editor:
Christine Eckstrom is a former National Geographics writer and editor specializing in natural history. She collaborates with Frans Lanting on fieldwork, book, and other publishing projects from their home base in California.

About the photographer:
Dutch-born Frans Lanting has been hailed as one of the great nature photographers of our time. For the past two decades he has documented wildlife and our relationship with nature in environments from the Amazon to Antarctica. Exhibits of his photographs have been shown at major museums in Paris, Milan, Tokyo, New York, Madrid, and Amsterdam.

V.B.Z. online ne izvršava uslugu dostave već za nas uslugu pružaju vanjski suradnici. Usluge dostave ugovaraju se s prodajnim osobljem prilikom zaključivanja kupnje i vrijede u skladu s uvjetima prodaje u V.B.Z. d.o.o.


S namjerom potpune transparentnosti za krajnjeg kupca, omogućli smo prikaz troškova dostave na stranici artikla, na stranici košarice te stranici narudžbe. Taj je prikaz točan jedino ukoliko kupac unese točne i precizne tražene podatke. U suprotonome je moguće odstupanje troškova dostave koje će biti prikazano u ponudi i poslano kupcu.


Besplatne poštarine

Besplatne poštarine vrijede za kupovinu gdje iznos prelazi 250,00 kn.
Besplatne poštarine vrijede samo unutar granica Republike Hrvatske.

HR poštarine se obračunavaju po parametrima:

  • narudžba do 250,00 kn = 25,00 kn poštarine
  • narudžba od 251,00 kn + = 0,00 kn poštarine



Dužnost nam je obavijestiti Vas da će Vam Hrvatske pošte naplatiti iznos od 5 kn prilikom uručenja pošiljke na kućnu adresu kao trošak dostave iako je sama poštarina već plaćena od strane V.B.Z.-a i ne ulazi u trošak Vaše narudžbe.
Ukoliko knjigu/e podignete u pošti na osnovi Obavijesti o prispjeću pošiljke isti iznos nećete morati platiti.


Narudžbe šaljemo u sve zemlje svijeta.


Hrvatska:  3 - 5 radnih dana.
Europa:  7 - 10 radnih dana.
Sjeverna Amerika, Južna Amerika, Australija, Azija, Afrika:  15 - 20 radnih dana

No s obzirom da V.B.Z. online ne vrši uslugu dostave već istu za za nas pružaju vanjski suradnici, ne možemo utjecati na potencijalna kašnjenja u vremenu dostave. Ista se dešavaju vrlo rijetko te u posebnim prilikama (npr. Božić).

Dostava na otoke i u manja mjesta se odvija prema rasporedu dostavane službe (npr. 2 puta tjedno).


Još nema recenzija.

Budite prvi koji će recenzirati “Eye to Eye 25 Anv”

Ova web-stranica koristi Akismet za zaštitu protiv spama. Saznajte kako se obrađuju podaci komentara.


Original price was: 18,58 €.Current price is: 15,93 €.
Original price was: 13,27 €.Current price is: 11,94 €.
Original price was: 26,54 €.Current price is: 23,89 €.