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Advertising Now-TV Commercials; Midi JU


ISBN:  9783822840290

STARA CIJENA:     366,50 kn

NOVA CIJENA:     200,00 kn

uvez / br.stranica: tvrdi uvez / 448
OPIS: Though most of us change the channel or make a trip to the bathroom during commercial breaks, there are actually ads out there that are more like thought-provoking short films than the pushy, one-dimensional, in-your-face ads we know and hate. Whether it’s an ad for the latest Nike sneaker or to raise awareness about the hazards of speeding, a commercial has lot to communicate in under a minute, and it takes the sharpest creative minds to figure out how to execute ads that are entertaining and even eye opening while getting the message across. This guide rounds up the best commercials of recent years. Chapters are organized by subject, such as socio-political, food and beverage, cars, technology, and media, and individual entries include screenshots, art director briefings, pre-production material (such as sketches and storyboards), and a fact sheet listing technical details. This book is a must-have not only for creative professionals, but also for anyone who’s interested in inventive commercials and what goes into making them. All ads featured in the book are on the included DVD.



Aesthetic Surgery


ISBN: 9783822830031

STARA CIJENA: 492,50 kn

NOVA CIJENA: 160,00 kn

uvez / br.stranica: tvrdi uvez / 400
OPIS: Skin deep Do you ever find yourself wondering, “Has she had work done?” Do you flip through supermarket tabloids to see who’s the latest star to have gone under the knife? Do you secretly adore before and after photos? Well, let’s face it, who doesn’t? We all have a fascination for body transformations, and while a job well-done is always impressive, even more stunning are the plethora of obvious boob jobs, botched face lifts, and overdone botox foreheads that are in evidence in the world today. In places like Hollywood, the mystery isn’t who’s had work done, but who hasn’t. Indeed, aesthetic surgery is more common than most would like to admit; those who have been to the world’s best surgeons can get away with lying about it, while others have the evidence written all over their faces. From liposuction to lip implants, this book explores all the ins and outs of body sculpting, focusing on the artistry of aesthetic surgery and the extremes to which people go to “improve” their looks. Topics include; History of aesthetic surgery (with unpublished medical photos!
Ethnicity and aesthetic surgery; Surgery in movies; Spotlight on Ivo Pitanguy, the “Michelangelo of the scalpel”; Interviews with the world’s most famous aesthetic surgeons; Before and after photos of transformed body parts, from the top of the head to the tips of the toes; Caricatures and jokes about aesthetic surgery; Bibliography including links to plastic surgery websites


Atlas of Human Anatomy and Surgery 25 Anv


ISBN: 9783836508650

STARA CIJENA: 629,00 kn

NOVA CIJENA: 250,00 kn

uvez / br.stranica: tvrdi uvez / 554
OPIS: We owe a great debt to Jean Baptiste Marc Bourgery (1797-1849) for his “Atlas of Anatomy”, which was not only a massive event in medical history, but also remains one of the most comprehensive and beautifully illustrated anatomical treatises ever published in any language. In 1830, having received his doctorate in medicine three years prior, Bourgery began work on his magnificent atlas in cooperation with illustrator Nicolas Henri Jacob (1782-1871). The first volumes were published the following year, but completion of the treatise required nearly two decades of dedication.The four parts of Bourgery’s treatise cover descriptive anatomy, surgical anatomy and techniques, general anatomy and embryology, and microscopic anatomy. Jacob’s spectacular hand-colored, life-size lithographs are remarkable for their clarity, color, and aesthetic appeal, reflecting a combination of direct laboratory observation and illustrative research; the images are to this day unsurpassed in anatomical illustration.


Bible Manuscripts 25 Anv/The most beautiful medieval Bibles


ISBN: 9783836502993

STARA CIJENA: 251,00 kn

NOVA CIJENA: 150,00 kn

uvez / br.stranica: tvrdi uvez / 416
OPIS: In the beginning was the word, and in the Middle Ages was the zenith of the Bible. It was a time when bibles were commissioned by kings, princes, and high-ranking members of the Curia, whose wealth and influence begat ornately illustrated bibles of extraordinary craftsmanship.”The Power and Glory of Illuminated Bibles” covers examples from every epoch of the Middle Ages, presenting the Bible as it was visualized in both theological and historical contexts. As the beauty and significance of the illustrations are undeniable, the manuscripts are also examined from an art historical point of view. Texts by Andreas Fingernagel, Stephan Fussel, Christian Gastgeber, and a team of 15 scientific authors describe each manuscript in detail and explore the evolution of the Bible as well as the medieval understanding of history that is inherent in these versions of the Bible; also included is a glossary of important terms so that those not versed in bible history can enjoy the texts as well. This sumptuous publication of these rare and significant manuscripts – reproduced with the impeccable quality and modest price tag for which Taschen is known – is a truly divine event.



Big Book of Breasts, The


ISBN: 9783822833032

STARA CIJENA: 492,50 kn

NOVA CIJENA: 250,00 kn

uvez / br.stranica: tvrdi uvez / 420
OPIS: Some call it the American obsession, but men everywhere recognize the hypnotic allure of a large and shapely breast. In “The Big Book of Breasts”, Dian Hanson explores the origins of mammary madness through three decades of natural big-breasted nudes. Starting with the World War II Bosom-Mania that spawned Russ Meyer, Howard Hughes’ “The Outlaw” and Frederick’s of Hollywood, Dian guides you over, around, and in between the dangerous curves of infamous models including Michelle Angelo, Candy Barr, Virginia Bell, Joan Brinkman, Lorraine Burnett, Lisa De Leeuw, Uschi Digard, Candye Kane, Jennie Lee, Sylvia McFarland, Margaret Middleton, Paula Page, June Palmer, Roberta Pedon, Rosina Revelle, Candy Samples, Tempest Storm, Linda West, June Wilkinson, Julie Wills, and dozens more, including Guinness World Record holder Norma Stitz, possessor of the World’s Largest Natural Breasts. The 396 pages of this book contain the most beautiful and provocative photos ever created of these iconic women, plus nine original interviews, including the first with Tempest Storm and Uschi Digard in over a decade, and the last with Candy Barr before her untimely death in 2005.
In a world where silicone is now the norm, these spectacular real women stand as testament that nature knows best.


Big Book of Legs, The


ISBN: 9783836501880

STARA CIJENA: 492,50 kn

NOVA CIJENA: 250,00 kn

uvez / br.stranica: tvrdi uvez / 360
OPIS: The legendary leg. Gobs of gorgeous gams. The female leg is a sexual oddity. It’s non-genital, nearly identical in structure to the corresponding male body part, and there is no obvious reason why it should be eroticized. Yet, through much of history, across many cultures, the female leg was hidden from sight and treated as such a taboo topic that it became an object of intense sexual obsession. In the Victorian era, the word ‘leg’ was so forbidden that it couldn’t be uttered in polite society, lest men be driven wild with lust. Even now, 80 years after women’s legs came out of hiding, their allure remains strong. In this third book of Dian Hanson’s wildly successful body parts series, she explores how freeing the female leg became central to women’s liberation, beginning with the French Revolution and ending with the sexual revolution. Over 400 photos document the first burlesque ‘leg shows’ of the 1800s, the silk-stockinged flappers of the 1920s, the nylon-mania of the 1940s, the dawn of the stiletto heel in the 1950s, all leading to the golden age of leg magazines in the 1960s.
Learn who wore the first high heels, how nylons became a weapon of war, why Betty Grable’s were the million dollar legs, where Elmer Batters got his start and just what the deal is with feet, while enjoying great vintage photos by Irving Klaw, Batters, and other great masters of leg art.




Cabinet of Natural Curiosities 25 Anv


ISBN: 9783822847947

STARA CIJENA: 629,00 kn

NOVA CIJENA: 300,00 kn

uvez / br.stranica: tvrdi uvez / 544
OPIS: Albertus Seba’s “Cabinet of Natural Curiosities” is one of the 18th century’s greatest natural history achievements and remains one of the most prized natural history books of all time. Though it was common for men of his profession to collect natural specimens for research purposes, Amsterdam based pharmacist, Albertus Seba (1665-1736) had a passion that led him far beyond the call of duty. His amazing, unprecedented collection of animals, plants and insects from all around the world gained international fame during his lifetime. In 1731, after decades of collecting, Seba commissioned illustrations of each and every specimen and arranged the publication of a four-volume catalog detailing his entire collection – from strange and exotic plants to snakes, frogs, crocodiles, shellfish, corals, insects, butterflies and more, as well as fantastic beasts, such as a hydra and a dragon. Seba’s scenic illustrations, often mixing plants and animals in a single plate, were unusual even for the time. Many of the stranger and more peculiar creatures from Seba’s collection, some of which are now extinct, were as curious to those in Seba’s day as they are to us now.
This reproduction is taken from a rare, hand-colored original. The introduction offers background information about the fascinating tradition of the cabinet of curiosities to which Seba’s curiosities belonged.




ISBN: 9782843501968

STARA CIJENA: 329,00 kn

NOVA CIJENA: 240,00 kn

IZDAVAČ: Romain Pages
uvez / br.stranica: tvrdi uvez / 189
OPIS: Entre Europe centrale et mer Adriatique, la Croatie étend deux bras qui enserrent la Bosnie, et invitent à se tourner vers la péninsule balkanique : celui du sud, littoral , tout en montagne et bordé d’un millier d’îles ; celui du nord, étendu jusqu’au Danube, tout en plaines et collines. Le pays offre une palette très large de milieux naturels. Des marais de rives de la Save et du Danube aux rivages méditerranéens aux eaux limpides en passant par les forêts d’altitude, la nature croate est encore en partie préservée des atteintes humaines. Elle est protégée dans de nombreux parcs et réserves naturels. Si les zones humides de Slavonie sont le refuge privilégié des oiseaux, les versants boisés du Gorski Kotar ou du Velebit abritent toujours l’ours et le loup, tandis que les fonds marins de l’archipel des Kornati hébergent une flore et une faune d’une diversité exceptionnelle. Sa position intermédiaire entre l’espace alpin et la péninsule balkanique, entre la plaine d’Europe centrale et le monde méditerranéen a généré la variété des paysages de la Croatie. Elle est aussi à l’origine de la richesse de sa culture, et en particulier de son architecture…


Dolomiti sent sel.


ISBN: 8808092860

STARA CIJENA: 270,00 kn

NOVA CIJENA: 200,00 kn

IZDAVAČ:  Panorama
uvez / br.stranica: tvrdi uvez / 276
OPIS: Il grande libro delle Dolomiti. Patrimonio dell’Umanità. Ediz. italiana e tedesca. Un volume che raccoglie le straordinarie immagini di Jacob Tappeiner e di altri 11 fotografi e i contributi di studiosi, alpinisti, scrittori quali Paolo Bonetti alpinista e autore di diverse guide escursionistiche sulle Dolomiti Bellunesi e sulla Val di Zoldo; Franco de Battaglia, già direttore dell’“Alto Adige” e del “Corriere delle Alpi” e rinomato scrittore di libri di storia e cultura ambientale tra i quali la famosa “Enciclopedia delle Dolomiti”; Bepi Pellegrinon autore di più di 50 volumi sulla storia dell’alpinismo dolomitico, editore e responsabile della rivista di cultura alpina “Montagna” e Gino Tomasi grande esperto di geografia alpina, cartografia, direttore emerito del Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali ed autore di oltre 200 pubblicazioni.
Questi i nomi degli artefici dell’omaggio che la Panorama ha voluto porgere ai “Monti Pallidi” e che viene presentato, dopo Trento e Padova, a Cortina con la collaborazione della sezione CAI locale.
Sabato 5 febbraio, presso la sala “Don Pietro Alverà” al primo piano del Palazzo delle Poste in Largo Poste 14, oltre a Bepi Pellegrinon, curatore dell’ultima opera firmata Panorama, e l’ampezzano Diego Gaspari Bandion, le cui fotografie compaiono in questa celebrazione corale alla bellezza dolomitica, interverrà anche la Presidente del CAI di Cortina d’Ampezzo, Paola Valle.


Hiroshige XL


ISBN: 9783822848272

STARA CIJENA: 996,50 kn

NOVA CIJENA: 380,00 kn

uvez / br.stranica: tvrdi uvez / 280
OPIS: Literally meaning “pictures of the floating world”, ukiyo-e refers to the famous Japanese woodblock print genre that originated in the 17th century and is practically synonymous with the Western world’s visual characterization of Japan. Because they could be mass produced, ukiyo-e works were often used as designs for fans, New Year’s greeting cards, single prints, and book illustrations, and traditionally they depicted city life, entertainment, beautiful women, kabuki actors, and landscapes. The influence of ukiyo-e in Europe and the USA, often referred to as Japonisme, can be seen in everything from impressionist painting to today’s manga and anime illustration.Utagawa Hiroshige (1797-1858) was one of the last great artists in the ukiyo-e tradition. Though he captured a variety of subjects, his greatest talent was in creating landscapes of his native Edo (modern-day Tokyo) and his final masterpiece was a series known as “100 Famous Views of Edo” (1856-1858). This resplendent complete reprint pairs each of the 120 large-scale illustrations with a description, allowing readers to plunge themselves into Hiroshige’s beautifully vibrant landscapes.


Illustration Now! Portraits Midi JU


ISBN: 9783836524254

STARA CIJENA: 366,50 kn

NOVA CIJENA: 200,00 kn

uvez / br.stranica: tvrdi uvez / 416
OPIS: This title deals with the art of likeness. It focuses on the spectrum of today’s portraiture, from caricature to realism. The field of illustration has flourished over the last decade, with professionals working both by computer and by hand. In illustration, the single most challenging and captivating subject has been the portrait, frequently used in editorials, advertising, products, and most recently, being the subject of major exhibitions. The book gathers together the exclusive (and frequently unpublished) portrait work of over 80 illustrators from all over the world, many of whom were featured in “Illustration Now!”, including Aaron Jasinski, Alex Gross, Andre Carrilho, Andrea Wicklund, and Anita Kunz.


Phaidon Atlas of 21st Century World Architecture


ISBN: 9780714848747

STARA CIJENA: 999,00 kn

NOVA CIJENA: 620,00 kn

IZDAVAČ: Phaidon Press Ltd
uvez / br.stranica: tvrdi uvez / 448
OPIS: The Phaidon Atlas of 21st Century World Architecture is a comprehensive portrayal of the finest built architecture from around the world completed since the year 2000. Divided into six world regions, the Phaidon Atlas of 21st Century World Architecture provides an important overview of global and local trends in architecture for a wide range of users.

Over 1000 key buildings have been chosen through a rigorous selection process. Each building is fully illustrated and described by a short essay. In addition, a mass of useful information is provided. This includes details of architects’ practices and extensive indexes. Comprehensive world data illustrates the economic and demographic contexts of architectural production.





ISBN: 9783836503297

STARA CIJENA: 629,00 kn

NOVA CIJENA: 250,00 kn

uvez / br.stranica: tvrdi uvez / 576
OPIS: This is the first name in fashion. This book presents the glamorous life and work of Valentino Garavani. Think Valentino. Think luxury. Think elegance. Think red carpet. Fashion’s most beloved upholder of refined decadence and the most exciting couturier in business is known around the globe simply by his first name. Only a few years after opening his fashion house in Rome in 1959, Valentino was already at the height of success, counting Elizabeth Taylor, Jackie Kennedy, and Audrey Hepburn among his devotees. Over forty years later, not much has changed – he’s still dressing the top celebrities, from Gwyneth Paltrow to J.Lo, though now his business is a major economic force in Italy and his fashion house is among the most famous in the world. Valentino has always designed clothes for glamorous and sophisticated women, never wavering from his signature style even when grunge, deconstruction, and other passing fads were all the rage. Though his couture division almost never makes a profit (his ready-to-wear lines are what fuel the business), his heart is most solidly devoted to the magnificent haute couture gowns that earned him his reputation as fashion’s most talented dressmaker…


Wright – Complete Works 1943-1959 XL


ISBN: 9783822857700

STARA CIJENA: 1.399,00 kn

NOVA CIJENA: 750,00 kn

uvez / br.stranica: tvrdi uvez / 584
OPIS: Part of an exhaustive three-volume monograph featuring all of Wright’s 1,100 designs, both realized and unrealized. This volume covers the postwar years and the “living architecture” period.Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959) was one of the fathers of modern architecture; his work helped define the modern era, had a widespread cultural influence, and remains highly influential today, half a century after his demise. The mature work of his final years is the subject of this monograph, including all his designs from that period, even those never built. Based on unlimited access to the Frank Lloyd Wright Archives in Taliesin, Arizona, this penetrating study gives an unrivaled overview of Wright’s groundbreaking work and eventual “starchitect” status-included are drawings he made for an unrealized house intended for Marilyn Monroe and Arthur Miller.