Atlas Maior Germania, Austria et Helvetia 2 Vol Set

Autor: ;


Na zalihi

ISBN: 9783822851029Izdavač: Područje: Uvez: SKU: VBZ-167630 Kategorije: , Oznaka: Jezik: EngleskiBiblioteka: juGodina izdanja: 2006Format: 25.2*38.2Broj stranica: 404

Atlas Maior Germania, Austria et Helvetia 2 Vol Set

Autor: ;


Na zalihi

ISBN: 9783822851029Izdavač: Područje: Uvez: SKU: VBZ-167630 Kategorije: , Oznaka: Jezik: EngleskiBiblioteka: juGodina izdanja: 2006Format: 25.2*38.2Broj stranica: 404

Maps of Germany, Austria and Switzerland from Joan Blaeu’s exquisite world atlas of 1665

The Atlas Maior, the cartographical masterpiece of the Baroque period, was brought out between 1662 and 1665 by the Amsterdam publisher Joan Blaeu, one of Holland’s leading cartographers. Originally appearing in Latin, the atlas comprised 594 maps in 11 volumes, which depicted the whole of the world as known to early modern Europe. It was the largest and most expensive book published during the 17th century. For more than 100 years it remained the definitive atlas of the world, and today is among the most sought-after and valuable antiquarian rarities. This reprinted edition in six volumes is based on the hand-colored, gold-heightened copy in the Österreichische Nationalbibliothek in Vienna, thus ensuring the best possible detail and quality. Alongside Joan Blaeu’s original commentaries on the individual maps, a new text by Peter van der Krogt explains the historical and cultural associations and introduces the reader to the fascinating world of early modern cartography.

This two-volume set includes all 97 maps of Germania, 20 maps of Austria, and 7 maps of Switzerland and the text is in German, English, and French.

About the authors:
Joan Blaeu (1596 Alkmaar–1673 Amsterdam) was the son of Willem Blaeu and a leading Dutch cartographer. In 1620 he became a doctor of law and subsequently joined his father’s workshop. In 1635 they published the two-volume Novus Atlas (Theatrum orbis terrarum, sive, Atlas novus). Joan and his brother Cornelius took over the workshop after their father had died in 1638. Joan became the official cartographer of the Dutch East India Company. Around 1649 he published a collection of Dutch city maps entitled Tooneel der Steeden (Theater of Cities). In 1651 he was voted into the Amsterdam council. In 1654 he published the first atlas of Scotland. In 1662 he reissued the atlas in 11 volumes, known as the Atlas Maior. A cosmology was planned as his next project, but a fire destroyed the workshop in 1672. Joan Blaeu died in the following year.

Since 1990, Peter van der Krogt, the leading expert in the field of Dutch atlases, has been working on Koeman’s Atlantes Neerlandici, the cartobibliography of atlases published in the Netherlands. His second project is the compilation, in cooperation with the Nijmegen University, of an illustrated and annotated catalogue of the Atlas Blaeu-Van der Hem, the most important multivolume atlas preserved in the Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Vienna.

V.B.Z. online ne izvršava uslugu dostave već za nas uslugu pružaju vanjski suradnici. Usluge dostave ugovaraju se s prodajnim osobljem prilikom zaključivanja kupnje i vrijede u skladu s uvjetima prodaje u V.B.Z. d.o.o.


S namjerom potpune transparentnosti za krajnjeg kupca, omogućli smo prikaz troškova dostave na stranici artikla, na stranici košarice te stranici narudžbe. Taj je prikaz točan jedino ukoliko kupac unese točne i precizne tražene podatke. U suprotonome je moguće odstupanje troškova dostave koje će biti prikazano u ponudi i poslano kupcu.


Besplatne poštarine

Besplatne poštarine vrijede za kupovinu gdje iznos prelazi 250,00 kn.
Besplatne poštarine vrijede samo unutar granica Republike Hrvatske.

HR poštarine se obračunavaju po parametrima:

  • narudžba do 250,00 kn = 25,00 kn poštarine
  • narudžba od 251,00 kn + = 0,00 kn poštarine



Dužnost nam je obavijestiti Vas da će Vam Hrvatske pošte naplatiti iznos od 5 kn prilikom uručenja pošiljke na kućnu adresu kao trošak dostave iako je sama poštarina već plaćena od strane V.B.Z.-a i ne ulazi u trošak Vaše narudžbe.
Ukoliko knjigu/e podignete u pošti na osnovi Obavijesti o prispjeću pošiljke isti iznos nećete morati platiti.


Narudžbe šaljemo u sve zemlje svijeta.


Hrvatska:  3 - 5 radnih dana.
Europa:  7 - 10 radnih dana.
Sjeverna Amerika, Južna Amerika, Australija, Azija, Afrika:  15 - 20 radnih dana

No s obzirom da V.B.Z. online ne vrši uslugu dostave već istu za za nas pružaju vanjski suradnici, ne možemo utjecati na potencijalna kašnjenja u vremenu dostave. Ista se dešavaju vrlo rijetko te u posebnim prilikama (npr. Božić).

Dostava na otoke i u manja mjesta se odvija prema rasporedu dostavane službe (npr. 2 puta tjedno).


Još nema recenzija.

Budite prvi koji će recenzirati “Atlas Maior Germania, Austria et Helvetia 2 Vol Set”

Ova web-stranica koristi Akismet za zaštitu protiv spama. Saznajte kako se obrađuju podaci komentara.

Maps of Germany, Austria and Switzerland from Joan Blaeu’s exquisite world atlas of 1665

The Atlas Maior, the cartographical masterpiece of the Baroque period, was brought out between 1662 and 1665 by the Amsterdam publisher Joan Blaeu, one of Holland’s leading cartographers. Originally appearing in Latin, the atlas comprised 594 maps in 11 volumes, which depicted the whole of the world as known to early modern Europe. It was the largest and most expensive book published during the 17th century. For more than 100 years it remained the definitive atlas of the world, and today is among the most sought-after and valuable antiquarian rarities. This reprinted edition in six volumes is based on the hand-colored, gold-heightened copy in the Österreichische Nationalbibliothek in Vienna, thus ensuring the best possible detail and quality. Alongside Joan Blaeu’s original commentaries on the individual maps, a new text by Peter van der Krogt explains the historical and cultural associations and introduces the reader to the fascinating world of early modern cartography.

This two-volume set includes all 97 maps of Germania, 20 maps of Austria, and 7 maps of Switzerland and the text is in German, English, and French.

About the authors:
Joan Blaeu (1596 Alkmaar–1673 Amsterdam) was the son of Willem Blaeu and a leading Dutch cartographer. In 1620 he became a doctor of law and subsequently joined his father’s workshop. In 1635 they published the two-volume Novus Atlas (Theatrum orbis terrarum, sive, Atlas novus). Joan and his brother Cornelius took over the workshop after their father had died in 1638. Joan became the official cartographer of the Dutch East India Company. Around 1649 he published a collection of Dutch city maps entitled Tooneel der Steeden (Theater of Cities). In 1651 he was voted into the Amsterdam council. In 1654 he published the first atlas of Scotland. In 1662 he reissued the atlas in 11 volumes, known as the Atlas Maior. A cosmology was planned as his next project, but a fire destroyed the workshop in 1672. Joan Blaeu died in the following year.

Since 1990, Peter van der Krogt, the leading expert in the field of Dutch atlases, has been working on Koeman’s Atlantes Neerlandici, the cartobibliography of atlases published in the Netherlands. His second project is the compilation, in cooperation with the Nijmegen University, of an illustrated and annotated catalogue of the Atlas Blaeu-Van der Hem, the most important multivolume atlas preserved in the Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Vienna.

V.B.Z. online ne izvršava uslugu dostave već za nas uslugu pružaju vanjski suradnici. Usluge dostave ugovaraju se s prodajnim osobljem prilikom zaključivanja kupnje i vrijede u skladu s uvjetima prodaje u V.B.Z. d.o.o.


S namjerom potpune transparentnosti za krajnjeg kupca, omogućli smo prikaz troškova dostave na stranici artikla, na stranici košarice te stranici narudžbe. Taj je prikaz točan jedino ukoliko kupac unese točne i precizne tražene podatke. U suprotonome je moguće odstupanje troškova dostave koje će biti prikazano u ponudi i poslano kupcu.


Besplatne poštarine

Besplatne poštarine vrijede za kupovinu gdje iznos prelazi 250,00 kn.
Besplatne poštarine vrijede samo unutar granica Republike Hrvatske.

HR poštarine se obračunavaju po parametrima:

  • narudžba do 250,00 kn = 25,00 kn poštarine
  • narudžba od 251,00 kn + = 0,00 kn poštarine



Dužnost nam je obavijestiti Vas da će Vam Hrvatske pošte naplatiti iznos od 5 kn prilikom uručenja pošiljke na kućnu adresu kao trošak dostave iako je sama poštarina već plaćena od strane V.B.Z.-a i ne ulazi u trošak Vaše narudžbe.
Ukoliko knjigu/e podignete u pošti na osnovi Obavijesti o prispjeću pošiljke isti iznos nećete morati platiti.


Narudžbe šaljemo u sve zemlje svijeta.


Hrvatska:  3 - 5 radnih dana.
Europa:  7 - 10 radnih dana.
Sjeverna Amerika, Južna Amerika, Australija, Azija, Afrika:  15 - 20 radnih dana

No s obzirom da V.B.Z. online ne vrši uslugu dostave već istu za za nas pružaju vanjski suradnici, ne možemo utjecati na potencijalna kašnjenja u vremenu dostave. Ista se dešavaju vrlo rijetko te u posebnim prilikama (npr. Božić).

Dostava na otoke i u manja mjesta se odvija prema rasporedu dostavane službe (npr. 2 puta tjedno).


Još nema recenzija.

Budite prvi koji će recenzirati “Atlas Maior Germania, Austria et Helvetia 2 Vol Set”

Ova web-stranica koristi Akismet za zaštitu protiv spama. Saznajte kako se obrađuju podaci komentara.